Prayer for Evangelization
Eternal Father, we ask you,
through your Son Jesus Christ,
and the intercession of Mary Immaculate,
Star of the New Evangelization,
to pour forth your Holy Spirit upon
the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
Through the gift of the Holy Spirit,
renew and transform us,
and make fruitful the work of evangelization.
Root us deeply in the heart of your Son
so that we may radiate him more fully,
sharing with others the Good News of
salvation in Christ, who alone
is the fulfillment of all human desiring.
Transform our parishes. Make of them
shining lights, beacons of hope
that reach those who are far from you,
drawing them back to your fold.
Consecrate us in your truth
and accomplish your plans in us
according to your holy will.
-Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Office for the New Evangelization