Pray for Priests
Want to Renew Your Parish? Do This!
A holy priest renews his parish. It’s as simple as that. When a priest is connected intimately with Christ the Vine through a strong spiritual life and a healed and healthy humanity, the life of Christ pours out through him into his parish. Many of us lament the current state of our parishes: the lack of vibrancy, the lack of spiritual nourishment, the declining numbers. But do we realize that the key to parish renewal is the renewal of our priests? And do we realize that we as the laity have the power to assist with this transformation? Consider participating in this beautiful initiative of a local lay woman, Randa Jabbour, as a powerful way for us to participate in Christ’s work of conforming His priests to His own Heart:
Intercessory Prayer Support Team for Priests
The Intercessory Prayer Support Team is a call to strengthen the Church and her priests by organizing a team of 7-10 people who commit for one year to pray for one specific priest. Together they ensure a Eucharistic Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week by one member of the team for the sole intention of the priest’s own personal holiness and sanctification. Click the links below for details on how to get started.
- IPST Brochure: How to Start an IPST Team
- IPST Brochure: Prayers for Priests
- Compilation of Prayers for Priests
- Commitment Form for Team Members
- Have questions or need help? Contact Randa Jabbour, founder of this apostolate
More Resources
- Book: Praying for Priests: An Urgent Call for the Salvation of Souls, by Kathleen Beckman, LHS
- Spiritual Motherhood for Priests Ministry
- Seven Sisters Apostolate