Intercessory Prayer Team

Join Our Intercessory Team!
The Office for the New Evangelization Intercessory Team exists to support our work through the ministry of prayer. By offering their prayers, joys and sufferings to God, our intercessors become true participants in the Church’s great mission of evangelization. Membership in the Partnership is simple yet profound! There are no meetings to attend. Members of the team commit to making one Eucharistic holy hour per week for the intentions of the Office for the New Evangelization. The holy hours are made on your own time according to your own schedule.
How to Get Started
Please read the invitation below which explains the commitment of intercessory team members.
If you discern that you would like to serve on the team, please register with the Office for the New Evangelization (Meghan or Paola) by contacting us. Once you are registered, you can get started with your weekly holy hours. We will occasionally be in touch with you to share new and specific intentions to pray for as needed. This commitment is for one year and can be renewed each year as desired.
- Resources for Our Intercessors: Prayer for Evangelization ~ Rosary for Evangelization ~ Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Start an Intercessory Team for Your Parish!
Parish Evangelization Leaders are encouraged to begin their own intercessory team to support the evangelization efforts of the parish. There is nothing more powerful than a furnace of prayer fueling your ministry. Invite your parish prayer groups, children in PREP or your parish school, or your Adoration Chapel visitors to serve as intercessors. Consider working with your Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to invite your sick and homebound parishioners to serve in this ministry. Learn more by clicking the link below.