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Bulletin Reflections

Below are various faith formation articles that parishes are free to use in their bulletins or e-communications. New topics will be posted here every few months.  Click on the topic to find the text to copy and paste.

To request any of these texts in Word or PowerPoint version, please email

Please kindly refrain from making changes to the text without permission from the author. 

12 Articles of Faith (Short reflections on each line of the Nicene Creed)

Evangelization 101 (Short teachings on the basics of evangelization)

Articles by Fr. Eric Banecker, Parochial Vicar, St. Pius X Parish, Broomall

For the Easter Season, articles on the Sacraments

Articles by Fr. Matthew Biedrzycki, Parochial Vicar, Cathedral Parish, Philadelphia

Other Topics

To request any of these texts in Word or PowerPoint version, please email